Polwarth Football Association Medal

Colac Herald, December 4, 1912


To the Editor “Colac Herald.

Sir, – It is rumoured that the Colac footballers are not to receive their medals for winning the premiership of the Polwarth Football Association last season. The reason assigned is that one of the officers of the association, who guaranteed a share of the cost of the medals, has stated his inability to collect same. If this be correct, it is playing the game low down, and the public-spirited sports of Colac should arise and see that the local lads receive the medals they strove so hard for. Further, all endeavors to have a meeting of the association called to deal with the situation have proved futile. This is quite in keeping with the slip-shod methods of carrying out the business of the association during the season, and quite in contrast with the manner in which the association was managed a couple of seasons back.

My idea in writing this, Sir, is to show the public of Colac and district the shabby way the Colac club have been treated. When the Beeac club won the premiership a couple of seasons ago they received their handsome gold medals, to which Colac sportsmen liberally responded, and also the Colac club, while another club failed to contribute at all, and is now, perhaps, identical with-the club which now repudiates its agreement this year.

By the way, while on football topics, a couple of matches were played at the latter end of the season between thee Polwarth and Birregurra associations, the proceeds of which were to be devoted to the Colac Hospital and I would like to know why a balance sheet has not been published or some statement shown to the public who supported the matter as to the financial outcome of same. It is the public’s right to know these things, and they should demand it in connection with any affairs for the benefit of public institutions. Apologise for trespassing on your valuable space.

Yours, &c.


Colac, 3/12/12.